
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Game Tuesday

Another tuesday has now come and gone. I picked up a few new games over the past 2 weeks(I have indeed been putting this post off for quite sometime). Among them are Skylanders, kinect Sports: Season 2, Family Game Night 4: The Gameshow, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Sonic Generations, the new LOTR games and Battlefield 3. There are more do not fret....

I haven't sat down and poured alot of time into any of these games particularly, in fact I won't lie some I have not even played yet(I'm a horrible whore I know)...but the ones I have spent time with will be highlighted in today's post.

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure is a cool idea. With the toys you purchase for the game storing their levels and experience inside of them so you can easily play and level up at a friends without needing to lug everything with you. The only downside is purchasing the toys themselves at 7.99 or 19.99 a 3 pack. Some people have been playing with the toys still in package and returning them when done but I'm not condoning or saying you should do that. I actually enjoy this game, it is a fun timewaster. It isn't too hard and it is just east enough to sit down and just play without fear of dying or having a mental breakdown trying to beat a section. Some of the puzzles can be challenging if you are zoning out and just playing(and by challenging I mean you skip over them entirely because you aren't paying attention). Overall I only have 150/1000G on this game and have only really played all of 2 levels fully. I have set aside some time to really put time into the game this coming week. Mostly because I love my little figurines and they miss me....

Kinect Sports: Season 2 is a good game but alas it is kinect and sometimes the tracking is off, but it happens far less than any of the other kinect games I have played. The sports are a little weird but a nice change of pace from the 1st game. You can get nearly all the skiing achievements in 1 playthrough of a course. Some of the football achievements are a pain as dodging can be tedious. The Darts require you to magically become a sniper and learn tactical breathing so you don't accidentally miss but sometimes the target on screen will actually hone in and you are guaranteed to hit that spot on the board which is amazing! I have only gotten 235/1000G but I'm plugging away at it sprained ankles and all...

Battlefield 3 was a rental so I only got to play the campaign and it was fairly short only taking about 6 hours on normal with a couple level mopups to get the missing achievements. I didn't have an online pass and did not want to purchase one so I missed out on the co-op campaign and on the online experience. Which from what I have heard is amazing! I got 390 out of the base 1000G during this playthrough so it wasn't bad...

The new LOTR games is an adventure/RPG game. Earning experience and having a inventory and the like are a must in this game. I have only played a little but it reminds me a little of a more closed version of dragon age with less intensity(at least so far because I'm still in the intro this thing is hellllllllla long so far). And the most pathetic at only 30G/1000G

Family Game Night 4 I busted 420/1000G in only about 30 minutes is indeed just like the first one only with less purchasing and being a pain in my asss.

I have also finally hit 225 in my played to finish more than the 17 completions I already have...

In entirely other news, Target is currently having a buy 2 get 1 free sale on video games that lasts until the 5th of this month. It applies to all games 9.99-79.99 and includes new releases as well as pc  games along with the normal console fair. Check it out, you can pick up 2 60 dollar games and get 1 free. That is indeed an epic win(you were gonna buy it eventually anyway right?!?!?!)